Friday, September 27, 2019

Stop Donlin Gold Mine Autumn 2019


While the major Canadian mining investors Barrick Gold Corporation and NOVAGOLD RESOURCES, INC. tout Donlin Gold mine as one of the worlds largest undeveloped open gold resources; the local jurisdiction of dozens of Tribal Governments downstream from the proposed  perpetual (forever) toxic waste sites are telling the World-  No Donlin Gold Mine.  

Its not just the 'Dam Safety' that concerns local Yup'ik folks; whom not only depend on the rich abundance of food and cultural resources of the Kuskokwim, Yukon and Bering Sea watersheds; but our Ancestors and Relations are ingrained in the water, land and cosmic dreamscape of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Region.  The spiritual importance of traditional 'native foods' and medicines has no monetary value that is worth the extreme risk of a disaster waiting to happen with a forever toxic tailing earthern dam.   The proposed toxic tailings earthern dam is larger than any existing (concrete) dam in the lower 48.

The earthen dam that holds back the toxins from the proposed industrial processes would have to be treated FOREVER; and considering, the recent dam  failure in Canada at Mt. Polly due to corporate 'self regulation' and extraordinary complacency of both Governments and Mining Companies that led to the disaster; indigenous peoples downstream .  Many questions remain in the event of a likely toxic tailings dam catastrophe over a 10,000 year time span.   5 years after the toxic disaster at Mt. Polly, there still have been zero charges and fines for the company responsible; while the Governments (British Columbia, Canada) tout "responsible mining" just like in Alaska.   

As the corporate propaganda makes a shareholder feel at ease, reality of communities impacted by mining operations and catastrophes have a much different story.   For my Alaskan friends and family, I ask that you listen to Jacinda Mack now; as her story is being ignored by mining industry, governments and other entities claiming 'responsible development'.  

Inga ya---time to get real

 ""Jacinda Mack will never forget the day the tailings pond collapsed at the Mount Polley minein her nation’s traditional territory, spilling an estimated 25 million cubic metres of contaminated waste into Quesnel Lake.""

Jacinda Mack is from the Secwepemc and Nuxalk indigenous peoples, of modern day British Columbia, Canada.

Shushwap flag of Secwepemc

The resistance against Donlin Golds proposed mine has been in the shadows for over a decade.   Now the People are rising.   Read the latest news below.

------Carl Wassilie blogging every once in awhile, in between the journey to peace, freedom, dignity and healing for all on Mother Earth.-------

Donlin Opponents Score Major Victory In AVCP Resolution Vote

"“It surprised me that it was so supported to pull and to say to the world 'we are against Donlin.' That was, that’s the power of our tribes speaking. That’s true leadership,” Simeon said.""

AVCP Delegates Pass Resolution Against Donlin Gold Mine

After two hours of passionate debate on Wednesday, Sept. 25, delegates from the 56 tribes that AVCP represents overwhelmingly voted to withdraw a resolution supporting the mine, and then voted to pass a separate resolution that opposes it. 

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